Sunday, May 13, 2012


I found this amazing video on Teachertube. It is all about the shift in information technology, pointing out the power of digital information technology and social networking sites, by making statistical comparisons. Whilst the information is based on American data, it is still worth watching to get a sense of the power and scope of digital information dissemination. I can't help thinking though, that whilst the new digital age makes the world accessible to everyone everywhere, it also opens up huge opportunities for misuse.
I believe that youtube and teachertube is a very powerful tool to use in teaching and also in libraries so long as it is done purposefully and the information used is authoritative. A library for instance could make and embed a video in their website, that explains to customers how to use the library, where to find things, how to get a library card, how to use the databases etc. It might be much easier for patrons to understand the information if it is in a visual format.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Youtube experience

Making and uploading a video on youtube was actually quite good fun, despite my initial apprehension of being filmed. I certainly learned something about making a video after I discovered that my team partner was sideways in the whole movie!!! So it is important to know that you can't take the video vertically, you actually have to film the movie horizontally in landscape format!
I was also pleased with our result, as I thought that the videos would turn out unclear or be really wobbly, but they were fine and the making of it was a lot easier than I expected. I  like using youtube videos in presentations as there are so many very instructive and effective ones out there, that give excellent visual explanations of information and knowledge. Of course there are also many fun ones available and I have put a couple of Mr Bean videos in the movie bar of my blog. Below I have enclosed a link to a cute video promoting reading, as well as the links to the two videos my team mate and I made. 
Thanks Anna, it was great working with you!!

Cute reading promotion video

How to use a photocopier

How to check out a laptop